Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Biggest Fallacy of the Common Core Standards

The article "The Biggest Fallacy of the Common Core Standards" was posted in the Huffington Post by Diane Ravitch. This article was about all the downsides of the common core. The federal government is trying to implement these new standards to get these students college ready, when there is no proof that the common core is going to work. For instance, only 31% of the students in New York passed the common core standards test, showing that the common core isn't as effective as said. The main reason that all of the states are even adopting these standards is because the government is basically bribing states to do so. According to Ravitch, they should be paying states to have programs that are more needed rather than changing the curriculum that isn't broken.
I agree with this article. I think that the federal government should have done more research about the common core before they make every state have to use it. I think if the government has 4.35 billion dollars sitting up for education, then they should not have done all of the budget cuts that they did. They should look at the statistics from New York and maybe try to implement the standards in doses. It is not going to be fair for 5th graders to suddenly be expected to know everything that the common core had them learn in the previous years. If it was up to me, common core would start with the 2014-2015 kindergarten class and slowly begin to work it's way to 12th grade so that no other grades will be at a disadvantage.

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