Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Common Core's Fundamental Trouble

In the article "The Common Core's Fundamental Trouble" by Valerie Strauss, the common core is looked at pretty negatively. Although the standards are tighter and smarter and can produce more progressive learning environments, there is not enough research to prove that these standards are actually going to work. They are also falsely named. Instead of being "state" standards, they are more of a "national standard." Doubters of the common core believe the same thing is going to happen that happened when No Child Left Behind was instated: children are going to fail. Strauss believes that there should be more trial runs on children before our whole national school system risks miseducating all of the students.
I agree with Strauss. Not enough investigation has been done to show that the Common Core is going to be effective. There are going to be people who have doubts about anything, and no curriculum is going to work for students who live in Manhattan, NY, and students who live in Baxterville, MS. There should still be more research, accommodations, modifications, and structured lesson plans for teachers who are going to be thrown into teaching these standards to their students.  


  1. I agree with you and Strauss. There is defiantly not enough research/investigation on the CCSS to determine how it will really work in all school systems across the country. No one knows how these standards will work and honestly, no one can determine that either. Like you said people will have their doubts and predictions of what might happen. That's always how it is.

  2. I agree with what you have said here. This all seems like one big experiment which is very dangerous, especially when children's well being is involved. In my opinion Strauss listed very valid points with lagitamate concern, and it appears you agree as well. Maybe we will figure out a way to test it out better before applying it to the newly beginning students.
