Sunday, September 29, 2013

Do Not Track Me

I have downloaded the Do Not Track Me bar to Google Chrome. I think it is neat that this feature allows you to surf the web in privacy and not be tracked. I did not know that Facebook tracks you on just about every website. I have had this feature installed for a few days and I have not surfed the web much other than for projects and Facebook has tracked me 12 times without me knowing it. I do find it interesting that I am tracked on the USM website, but not on Blackboard. But so far, I have blocked 66 trackers!!! On my blogger the skies are clear! :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Inspiration Comments

  • Erika- A book. Where the Wild Things Are. make predictions. Song to remember the elements. create thier own wild thing. 2nd grade. good job
  • Jacqueline-- 2nd grade reading literature. Word detective sounds fun. word bingo. write their own story (Create-Bloom's Taxonomy). Very good ideas.
  • Mary Kathryn- Story time. movie time- watch movie of the story.PBS kids websites gives you games for all of the standards. Find that button. Good job, I feel like the ideas were good, but I almost feel like they are not going to work and some of them were too repetitive. Good job!!
  • Jennifer- 4th grade.  Earth's Biomes. Discuss, research, writing, group work, presentation. Too many worksheets, limiting the creativity of you.  good job with the concept map.
  • Amanda- 4th grade. Context Clues. James and the Giant Peach. Costumes. Game. good mix of games and actual assignments. Good job.
  • Jordan- 4th-5th graders. Small group discussions. What to do in a hurricane. prepare questions before they listen to a personal hurricane story. Library research. Experiment. Very good job.
  • Jonathan-  8th grade. NeoK12. A lot of questioning the students. Pearl Harbor movie. Videos. good job.

    I was absent for the rest of the presentations.. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blog 10--Concept Map- Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators

Adding and Subtracting Fractions with unlike denominators

CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.A.1 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.)

I.       Vocabulary

Having vocabulary words for adding and subtracting fractions is absolutely the most important. The class will have about 10 vocabulary words that they will have to define and actually know so that they will be able to use and understand them in the lesson. The student will have to learn how to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators, and will have to work out different word problems that use terms such as "find the sum" or "find the equivalent."

A.    Define as a class

Common Denominator
Common Multiple

B.    Crossword Puzzle for ending bell activity

II.     Fraction Strips

Fraction strips, to me, are the easiest way to learn how to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. The easiest way to use them is to use cut outs, and you will simply place them on top of each other to see exactly what fraction you end up with. This helps students because it is more hands on, and has a visual effect for the students.

A.    Show equivalents

1.    Interactive Website

B.        Have cut out fraction strips to take home and practice with

III.    Number Line

The number line is more difficult than the rest of the options. Using this method, I would have to had focused a lot on making equivalent fractions. This method is easier if you have mastered reducing fractions and finding equivalents because if you can find equivalents by using the Least Common Denominator, then you just simply add the numerators using a number line. This is more effective for using normal fractions rather than mixed numbered fractions.

A.    Make a number line with tape on the floor and have students walk to add and subtract

B.    Create their own number line on a poster and have laminated, taped objects for them to add and subtract on their own

IV.    Least Common Denominator

This method is what is most commonly used when adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. The student will find the common denominator by finding the factors of the denominators and determining which number they have in common.. The student will eventually have a simple addition problem, and all they would have to do is simplify at the end.

A.    Complete Trail Mix Activity as a class using LCD

I would have ingredients for Trail Mix such as Raisins, M&M's, Chex Cereal, Cheerios, Pretzels, and I would have the ingredients listed such as 3/4+7/8=___cup of M&M's.

B.    Calculate LCD using Pizza Worksheet

V.     Fruit Shoot Fraction Addition

Using games, to me, is a very effective way to get students to practice. Using this game in the class allows the student to gain access with technology by using the Smart Board that I will have in my classroom. The game is played by a random addition problem pops up and you have to shoot the correct addition problem to move on to the next level.

A.    Use Website in a center

B.    Have a student demonstrate how to play the game using Smart Board

Monday, September 23, 2013


The FBI has found a new hacking system called Beta Bot, which hacks websites that are approved and are undetected by the anti-virus software. These hackers steal financial information as well as hacks the computers antivirus software so that the computer is more easily hacked. This is used in Windows and looks like any other internet download would, but it changes the computers settings and allows the hackers to get information off the computer. The main ways this is contacted with the computer is by USB drives and Skype. To get rid of it, run a new virus scan, if that doesn't work then download a virus protector on an uninfected computer and redownload it to the infected computer.
This article made me feel very unsafe because I use Skype daily. I use my computer for work and school and if it got hacked, I would be out of luck. I also do not click to download anything from the internet that I do not know where it came from and I no longer link my Facebook to sites that I am uncomfortable with. I hope that I am not going to get hacked anytime.


I did the Are you Protecting your Identity, and I am at a pretty low risk. I do not run regular credit checks because I heard that messes up your credit, I do not shred important documents, but I check my credit card statements, do not have my license or social security number or randomly purchase from websites.

Next test I did was are you the lucky winner of a contest? I was at low risk. The only contest I would ever believe I would win would be by Publisher's Clearing House, and even they send me spam mail that I refuse to open.

Lastly, I did the Is your computer protected test. I have an Apple computer and I have the built in software. I am at low risk because my computer automatically updates the security software, and I back up my computer.

Malware analysis: drive-by download

Cory Nachriener discusses drive-by download which is basically where your computer gets hacked by certain websites. Your computer automatically gets hacked and downloads a SPYWARE software to clean your computer from it getting hacked. This is a virus in itself and is very dangerous.
I enjoyed this video because it is very informative on how easy your computer can get hacked. I have been hacked personally via Facebook and all of my pictures and videos were lost and never replaced. It is important what to do in these situations because they can happen at any time on any website by clicking on links you should not click on.

Safe Practices for Life Online

  1. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  2. There are many consequences that students in high school and college face for what they post on the internet. Some parents monitor their child's Facebook page, and in turn, they report activity that some of their child's friends put on Facebook to the local schools and authorities. Many reasons are for bullying and threatening comments about other students, but where is the line drawn? How is it fair that a student in 1973 can verbally comment that they want to kill someone (as a joke) as a teenager, have no proof that they said it so they get away with saying it, and are able to finish highschool and college like it never happened, but in Tennessee this year a student is expelled for saying "I'ma kill em all. I'ma bust this (expletive) up from the inside like nobody's ever done before." I understand that there needs to be some form of punishment, but this kid said he was joking and now his whole career is ruined because of something that he typed on a social media website. He was a basketball star, but is going to go no where in life because he made a stupid mistake as a teenager. The consequences are too strict, and it is our job as professionals to make sure that these students know what is right and wrong.
  3. Define:
    1. Sexting- Sending sexual pictures or messages by mobile phone.
    2. cramming- adding unauthorized charges to a customer's phone bill.
    3. trojan horse- hacking a computer program on someone else's computer so that you have full access to what is on their computer.
    4. Phishing- stealing someone's financial information by pretending to be a legitimate company.
    5. spyware- allows people to get into your hard drive to steal information.
    6. rootkit- allows hackers to gain access to your computer without being detected.
    7. Zombie- a computer that is connected to a hacked internet source.
  4. Because they are inappropriate and unprofessional. 
  5. Well, suPaFlirt will probably get harassed by men who are trying to pry on women on the internet. Badboy2U sounds like a gang member. 
  6. Tom_Evans is reveling his first and last name... the others are saying they like Karate, Violin, and Wrestling (but cannot spell).
  7. i8sushi- this is okay, not professional. not provocative or inappropriate either. 
    1. soccerstar- good, likes soccer, not professional
    2. puppygirl1234- good likes puppies, not professional
    3. KeKe1995- good, her name and birthyear?
    4. Bookworm-good, not provocative
    5. 2BorNot2b- confusing, but good
    6. choco-holic- they like chocolote, good
    7. CapilOfens- ?????
    8. AmrcanIdol2- Likes american idol
    9. BellaIsabella- Not provocative
    10. DarkAngel 666- bad, scary
    11. Karla-Love-1996- good, birth year, name
    12. SimpyMe- Simply? Spelled wrong, kinda flirty maybe
    13. gUn4hIre- Scary, bad
    14. BabyfaceLA- flirty, bad
    15. Watup?- bad
  8. spiderman123, Patalac135, flowerpower2323
  9. I have a very high score, passwords are easily cracked and guessed if not careful. 
  10. a password-cracking program is used is the most common and others who know personal things about the student is the least common

The Padagogy Wheel and Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

The Padagogy Wheel V2.0 is an awesome source for educators all around the world. There are different QR codes so that you can easily navigate to certain websites without having to type out long URLs. There are different apps on the wheel so that teachers can integrate technology by using apps to teach lessons such as surveying, graphing, editing, role playing, and journaling just to name a few. This will allow me as a teacher to know which apps are best for which subjects. I will use this in class by having the students download the apps on their iPad and using them for different assignments. This gives the students a more interactive way of learning rather than using paper and pencil.

I will always use Bloom's Taxonomy in my class when I am constructing lessons so that I am making sure that my students are using higher level thinking. Many times, teachers assume that just because they make a lesson hard means that they are causing the student to use higher level thinking. Most of the time, they are just using the remembering and understanding level of Bloom's Taxonomy, and they aren't having the students create or apply anything with that lesson. This shows different kew words so that teachers can incorporate technology into their lessons as well!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Use Arts Integration to Enhance Common Core

             A lot of teachers are beginning to get used to the Common Core and their standards. Many teachers are having difficulties integrating and implementing the art because they are worried about their own artistic abilities. The article "Use Arts Integration to Enhance Common Core," on Edutopia discusses different ways for teachers to be more comfortable teaching art. For instance, they can teach by mirroring, which is having the students "mirror" the others action. This could be tied into mathematics, dance, and even different problem-solving skills. Another way is by stepping into the painting. This is demonstrated by students making personal connections with artwork done by professionals. The last example was call and response. It is used to build improvising and comp skills so that the students can keep a rhythm. 
             I think that art integration is very important for the teachers to focus on. In my schooling, I never had to focus on the arts, so therefore I have no appreciation for it. Even though I took several art classes, not one teacher tried to tell me that art is important, and each form of art has a different emotional appeal. I think that teachers should try to implement art when teaching certain lessons that could relate to a classic piano song or a Picasso painting. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

John Hunter and the World Peace Game

  • 1977
  • He got a degree in education
  • Got job teaching gifted children
  • What do I do?
  • She said what do you want to do?
  • No standards or objectives. 1978
  • World Peace and Other Fourth Grade Achievements
  • Its a story that's a testiment to teachers
  • He saw his teachers coming through him. Their smiles, flashing eyes of intense love for their students, "the stare," his parents, their gestures (he is one of his mom's teaching gestures).
  • The game started at 5'6 piece of plywood, and is now 4' by 4' by 4' with outerspace, undersea, and other levels.It's interactive.
  • There are 4 countries around the board. Some rich some poor, some have prime ministers, commercial and military assets, the prime minister got to chose their cabinet, weather goddess, trouble maker(try to undermine everything in the game),
  • Can fourth graders solve social, economical, and military problems of Africa.
  • The game is a fictional Africa.
  • He wanted the kids not to sit in lectures and such he wanted the kids to be involved: to interact (they didnt have that term then)
  • epic/minority tensions, oil spills, global warming, etc.
  • He says that he is sorry but we left the world for them in a terrible place and we hope that they can fix it.
  • The children were participating in a game, and , as a teacher, Hunter thought that he was failing as a teacher because the children were all considered poor, and they were all going to lose the game until about five seconds before everything ended the students decided to come up with money from all of the other countries so that they can donate to that country so that the country would not be poor. In order to do this, the prime minister had to accept, and he did.
  • He was very humble and taught  his students humility and how to think on their feet. He did not make any of the world problems seem any lesser than they are which is good for the students of today. He made sure that his students were well prepared for the world and how to handle certain situations.
  •  Him teaching the children this way makes it more fun and brings real life into their perspective. He makes them think on their feet and look for their own knowledge rather than just lecture them
  • .

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Common Core State Standards for ELA and Literacy

What is the purpose of the college and career readiness standards?
  • So that everyone across the country would be on the same level. If there are one specific set of standards, then there isn't going to be a ton of different standards all over the country. The teachers will always be prepared, and the students are not going to be behind if they move to a different state.

What are the benefits and challenges of the shift to reading and writing non-fiction texts?
  • Students should be prepared because in life, they are expected to read informational text more than fictional.

What are the benefits and challenges os having standards for science, social studies, and technical subjects?

  • So that kids can take the information that they are given in real life and know what to do with it. Having standards for these subjects will make the students more college ready. They will be able to write different papers and such so that they are not left behind in college or drop out.