Monday, September 23, 2013

The Padagogy Wheel and Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

The Padagogy Wheel V2.0 is an awesome source for educators all around the world. There are different QR codes so that you can easily navigate to certain websites without having to type out long URLs. There are different apps on the wheel so that teachers can integrate technology by using apps to teach lessons such as surveying, graphing, editing, role playing, and journaling just to name a few. This will allow me as a teacher to know which apps are best for which subjects. I will use this in class by having the students download the apps on their iPad and using them for different assignments. This gives the students a more interactive way of learning rather than using paper and pencil.

I will always use Bloom's Taxonomy in my class when I am constructing lessons so that I am making sure that my students are using higher level thinking. Many times, teachers assume that just because they make a lesson hard means that they are causing the student to use higher level thinking. Most of the time, they are just using the remembering and understanding level of Bloom's Taxonomy, and they aren't having the students create or apply anything with that lesson. This shows different kew words so that teachers can incorporate technology into their lessons as well!!

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