Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Common Core in Action: How Two Science Teachers are Implementing Common Core

In this article, two high school teachers, Katie Abole and Christopher King, talk about their experiences on integrating and implementing science into the Common Core. These two teachers did this through reading and writing. In the article, Edutopia lists all of the Reading Standards from the CCSS covers with Abole and King's science activity. There were ten standards that were covered in the lesson in science without there being a CCSS for Science.

I think that this is beneficial for the students because they are going to be reading and writing and researching something different besides books and stories for language arts. The teachers both switched up the days from reading to lab to an activity so that the students did not get burnt out on reading and writing every day. Each teacher gave advice and said to start small when trying to do something like this. I think that is more than true, and in my classroom, I will have the students integrate technology into these lessons by researching articles in the library and creating graphs and such on the computer. This will allow them to integrate science, reading, writing, and technology all in one lesson!

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