Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Evolving Classroom Education: Where is K-12 Technology Headed?

This article talks about how technology has made its mark through time in the classroom. Before, students were told not to bring their mobile devices with them to school or to keep them away, and now, most students have their own devices and are now encouraged to bring them and use them in a classroom setting. BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. This is when teachers have the students bring their own tablet or smartphone into class so that they can use them in the lecture. This will allow students to change their mindset of technology and will allow them to see how it is actually used. Natural User Interface is basically bringing technology to life. This includes the Wii, Xbox Kinect, and Siri. This is where students that are blind, deaf, physically disabled or autistic can actually connect with technology in ways they never could before. PLE stands for Personal Learning Environments. This is what the teachers and school officials are trying to change. Most students have a smart phone. If they are taught how to use them effectively, the student knowledge is believed to grow drastically in the next decade.

I really enjoyed this article. If my students are going to bring their devices to school, they might as well know how to use them. I can show them apps, websites, and many other resources that their smartphone or tablet is available and show them how to use it to prove that it will help make them "smarter than their friends." (I remember that was always a method of encouragement when I was in school haha). I think that iPads, Computers, and Smartphones are in such a competitive environment that they are going to be rapidly increasing forever until we just wave our fingers in the air and we are virtual beings, and are the smartest humans that have ever lived. 

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